How to blend colors in zbrush

how to blend colors in zbrush

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Simply hold the Alt key the canvas are the pure current color, and also selects.

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How To BLEND COLORS Like A Pro (For Beginners) - Photoshop Digital Painting Tutorial
To pick shaded/material colors, hold the Alt key while dragging. Additionally, you can press the C key at any time, and ZBrush will pick the canvas or interface. The way I blend my colours is to use the smudge brush to blend edges of different colours. Take a look at my recent post �I love Roses� I used 2 different. It's like painting a real 3D object: You can blend and mix colors on the model's surface to create the look of realistic skin, details on hard surfaces, even.
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You can also click within this area and drag to any point on the canvas or interface to select the color at that point. Additionally, you can press the C key at any time, and ZBrush will pick the canvas or interface color underneath the cursor. Thanks Aurick. As you can see, the results vary according to the brush used.